Cllr Elections 4 May 2023

Parish Councillor elections take place on Thursday, 4th May 2023, the same day as Borough Councillor elections.

Wigginton Parish Council has 7 seats. Parishioners and the Parish Council need you to take a moment to think about becoming a Councillor.

Eligibility, nomination papers and further background papers are available from the Electoral Commission website here. Anyone who wishes to stand for election or re-election must complete and submit a valid nomination paper to The Forum at The Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead, at the latest by 4pm on Tuesday, 4th April.

Implications of the Elections Act 2022

The notable changes that will come into effect for the May 2023 elections relate to electors needing to show an approved form of photo ID at a polling station before voting. This will include such ID as a passport, driving licence and national bus pass. If this ID has expired, it will still be applicable to use provided the photo is still a good likeness. For those voters without a suitable form of ID they can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate (VAC) via the website. This service goes live on the 16th of January 2023.

Further information can be found at:


It is the responsibility of each candidate to ensure the accuracy of, and to submit, the necessary paperwork.

All candidates need to be proposed and seconded by someone registered to vote in the parish.

Confirmation of nominations will be published by 4pm on Wednesday, 5th April.

In a contested election the vote count for Parish Councillors takes place on Friday 5th May.


it is a legal obligation for all candidates to submit an election expenses return and declaration by 1st June 2023 even if no expenses have been incurred.

All successful candidates must complete:

A declaration of acceptance of office must be signed before take seat at the first meeting.

A declaration of interests form must be done asap and returned to the elections officer and copy for LGPC files.

Outgoing councillors retire and new councillors take office on Tuesday 9th May, a day later than normal because of the coronation bank holiday on 8th May.

Notice Date: 19/02/2023